What's Inside?
This A4 size Journal has 8 Chapters and is designed for children aged 7 – 12 years, written by a qualified Therapeutic Counsellor and Mental Health professional with over fifteen years of experience working with children and families. Beautifully designed by a digital design expert to bring colour and life to each page and also includes wonderful illustrations by the authors two young children to help inspire and encourage young readers to use their own creative imagination as they work through the Journal.
Each chapter focuses on crucial subjects that help young children tackle challenging changes throughout their life. The activities and written content have been therapeutically and scientifically proven to resolve inner conflict, understand unhealthy thought patters, raise confidence, and build resilience.
The Journal can be enjoyed:
1 - Independently at home, (or with the support of an adult with younger readers)
2 - Or in the classroom at school as part of an essential wellbeing programme.
Remarkable Me Journal
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